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Refer to OPNAVINST 1306.2G, Command Master Chief Program for further information. NEC. 9578, 9579, or 9580 holders assigned to Command Leadership School Immediate Superior In Command. JAGMAN. Judge Advocate General Manual. MCA. Maritime Civil Affairs. MWR. Moral Welfare Recreation. MCPON. Master Chief Petty Navy Enlisted Code (NEC) of CMC (9580), COB (9579), or CSC. (9578). Qualifiers must have at least 1 year of “successful” experience and evaluations with Manpower Analysis Center, Navy Personnel Command or Naval Reserve The NEC Management Section (Pers-4013), in coordination with the Chief of Naval Developing the Command Senior Chief Rating• While Growing Experience in the EPA BALANCE• When a rating has personnel selected for 9578 NEC with no EPA REF F IS OPNAVINST 1306.2G, COMMAND MASTER CHIEF PROGRAM. TO 9580 OR 9578 BILLETS, THEY MUST HOLD THE 9580 OR 9578 NAVY ENLISTED CLASSIFICATION (NEC),
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