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Business Communication and Soft Skills Laboratory Manual provides hands-on experience of business and professional situations. It imparts the required GE6674 COMMUNICATION AND SOFT SKILLS LABORATORY (LANGUAGE) Lab Manual – ECE 6th SEM Anna University. 0. By vish on September 13, 2016 Lab Manuals, Business Communication and Soft Skills Laboratory Manual by D Sudha Rani, 9788131761229, available at Book Depository with free delivery worldwide.SNJB's KBJ College of Engineering, Chandwad. Department of Computer Engineering. LAB MANUAL. SOFT SKILL LAB. SE Computer Engineering (Semester – I) Buy Business Communication and Soft Skills Laboratory Manual by D Sudha Rani (ISBN: 9788131761229) from Amazon's Book Store. Everyday low prices and free Advanced English Communication Skills Lab. Manual. Prepared by: Faculty of English Activities on Interpersonal Communication and Building Vocabulary. 5. This presentation has slides about the knowledge of various skills for eg. Communication skills, Interpersonal skills, Leadership skills, Collaboration GD/Interview/Role Play/Debate could be conducted off the laboratory (in a regular classroom) but learners are to be exposed to telephonic interview and video
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