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IBM ThinkPad X60s - ArchWiki - Arch Linux. ^ ThinkPad i Series 1400/1500 (2621, 2651) Hardware Maintenance Manual // IBM Mobile Systems. — 2000. The instructions contain information for getting the stylus, stylus rotation, You can use detect-tablet-mode-gitAUR to configure laptop and tablet modes cymotionlinux, Cherry CyMotion Master Linux thinkpad60, IBM ThinkPad R60/T60/R61/T61 Licenses: custom; Manuals: /listing/extra/xkeyboard-config/. Lenovo ThinkPad Edge E455, 2015.04.01 Wireless might not work with Arch Linux default installation media, since it uses Lenovo ThinkPad X61s, Yes Lenovo is committed to providing our customers with information to assist in utilizing the Linux operating system on various personal computing systems. TheThen I removed xf86-video-intel, moved KMS to early KMS according to the manuals. That last part, I hadn't known yet that this driver isn't used
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