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RMC Qualified Drill Instructors (SNCOs) carry a pace stick. 2 – 13 ASCR 2 - 2011 Edition ©The Marine Society and Sea Cadets POLICY AND APPEARANCE Intermediate drill - The Sea Cadets. INTERMEDIATE DRILL COURSE. VERSION: 01 – JULY 2011 Handouts: Royal Marines Drill Manual BR2118, Chapter 2 & 3. (e) Medical. (f) Relevant Service and Cadet publications, drills and instructions. c. Step 3. Identify any existing controls (column d) Sea Cadet Manual of Drill and Ceremonial. File Size: 1818 kb. File Type: pdf. Download File. Drill W/O Arms - Routine heart_of_oak.pdf. File Size: 6 kb. Manuals and Forms. CADET AND JUNIOR CANADIAN RANGERS DRESS INSTRUCTIONS (pdf) Band and Drill Comp 2019 all files (Zip File) (ZIP); Central Region BandThe purpose of the “NJROTC CADET FIELD AND DRILL MANUAL” is to combine all the portion of this manual has been reviewed by a group of dedicated Navy and 07 Parade Ground/Drill. Shed. Personal Admin First Parade Dress Inspection Coy DL No.1A Dress Inspection (use Form. SCC T32A) – Version: July 2011. Cadet Uniform Inspection Scorecard. 1. 5. 9. 11. 16. 18. 20. 22. 25. 29. 30. 34. 36. 39. 41. 43. 46. 47. 52. 54. 58. 60. LEARN TO LEAD. Cadet Drill Guide. Reading Sea Cadets District Drill 2013. 34,306 views • Mar 24, 2013. Show less. Show more. 140. 43. Share
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